


成立于1920年 美国社区学院协会 has, over four decades, become the leading proponent and the national “voice for community colleges.” 的 association was conceived when a group of 总统 representing public and independent 初级 colleges met in St. 在密苏里州的路易斯参加一个由美国政府召集的会议.S. 教育专员. Originally named the American Association of Junior Colleges (AAJC), the association was to function as a forum for the nation’s two-year colleges. In 1972, the name of the national organization was changed to the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges (AACJC), 反映了大多数公众的社区取向, 两年的机构. 1992年,该协会的名称简化为现在的形式. 今天, 该协会几乎代表了1,200年两年, associate degree–granting 机构 and more than 12 million students, as well as a growing number of international members in Puerto Rico, 日本, 英国, 韩国, 以及阿联酋. 学院是美国教育中规模最大、增长最快的部门.S. 近一半(46%)的美国学生接受了高等教育.S. 本科生. (Source)


American Association for Higher Education and 认证 (AAHEA) 总部设在华盛顿, DC, 在几个州都有分店, is the oldest association in the United States dedicated to the advancement of higher education. 我们渴望成为最能帮助所有人的组织, 机构, 和高等教育的利益相关者一起学习, 组织学习, 并为共同利益做出贡献. We provide accreditation to more than 20 disciplines for the common good of higher education. 把教育水平提高到一个新的高度, 帮助全人类变得比曾经想象的更伟大. AAHEA是独立的, 会员制, non-profit organization dedicated to building human capital for higher education. AAHEA is the source of choice for information about higher education on issues that matter in a democratic multi-racial society; and AAHEA promotes and disseminates examples of effective educational practice to address those issues. AAHEA members are an international talent pool willing and ready to share their expertise with colleagues in higher education, 政策制定者, 媒体专业人士, 以及广大公众. (Source)


社区书院受托人协会 一个非营利性的教育组织是否有管理委员会, 代表超过6个,500名选举和任命的受托人管理超过1,200年社区, 技术, 以及美国和其他国家的大专院校. 这些社区专业人士, 商务官员, 公共政策领袖, and leading citizens offer their time and talent to serve on the governing boards of this century’s most innovative higher education 机构-community, 初级, 和技术学院,并做出影响不止一个人的决定,200所学院,每年有超过1100万名学生. (Source)


菲律宾十大网赌网站及书院校董会协会 is the only national association that serves the interests and needs of academic governing boards, 机构相关基金会的董事会, and campus CEOs and other senior-level campus administrators on issues related to higher education governance and leadership.  Its mission is to strengthen and protect this country’s unique form of institutional governance through its 研究, 服务, 和宣传. AGB is committed to citizen trusteeship of American higher education. (Source)


作为该地区值得信赖的倡导者, 优秀的资源, and proactive catalyst for quality business and community service through economic development, 公共政策和会员服务. (Source)


NISOD celebrates teaching and leadership excellence by inviting proposals for breakout and roundtable sessions from college faculty, 工作人员, 总统, 以及其他关键管理员, 包括院长, 部门的椅子, 菲律宾十大网赌网站球队. 提交截止日期为2011年12月1日. (Source)


职业教育委员会(COE), originally founded in 1971 as a regional accrediting agency of the 南方学院和学校协会, is the successor to the Commission on Occupational Education Institutions (COEI). 1995年,该委员会成为国家认证机构. 的 Council celebrates its 40th year of assuring quality and integrity in career and 技术 education this year. 的 Council’s accreditation process is conducted on behalf of more than 250,000 students across the nation who pursue careers in a variety of 技术 fields. (Source)

National Institution for 领导 and Institutional Effectiveness

在21世纪, the successful 机构 of higher education will be those that are learning new ways of communicating with and motivating faculty, 工作人员, 行政及学生. 的 high-performing college of tomorrow is the one that begins managerial and incremental change today. 的 National Initiative for 领导 and Institutional Effectiveness (NILIE) 外展服务就是为了这个目的而提供的吗. By conducting 研究 on leadership and institutional effectiveness using specialized surveys, NILIE assists 机构 in developing strategies that improve student success through collaborative leadership. (Source)


国家安全委员会 通过防止工伤和死亡来挽救生命, 在家庭和社区, 在道路上通过领导, 研究, 教育和宣传. By 2014, the council will save an additional 10,000 lives and prevent 1 million injuries. 为了实现这一目标, 我们将继续与企业合作, elected officials and the public to make an impact in areas such as distracted driving, 青少年驾驶, 工作场所安全, 以及家庭和社区的安全. Workplace safety and transportation have been critical areas of focus to the council since its inception in 1913. 多年来, increases in unintentional injury and death rates in the homes and communities have resulted in the council expanding it’s focus to include safety 在家庭和社区. (Source)


自1925年以来, 罗文县商会 mission is to enhance quality of life and nurture a thriving economy through pro-active and consensus-building leadership. (Source)


联合国的使命 南方学院和学校协会 南方教育的改善是通过认证的吗. (Source)


南方学院协会学院委员会 is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education 机构 in the Southern states. 的 Commission’s mission is the enhancement of educational quality throughout the region and it strives to improve the effectiveness of 机构 by ensuring that 机构 meet standards established by the higher education community that address the needs of society and students.  It serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices among the diverse 机构 in Alabama, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西州, 德州, Virginia and Latin America and other international sites approved by the Commission on Colleges that award associate, 学士学位, 硕士, 或者博士学位. 的 Commission also accepts applications from other international 机构 of higher education. (Source)